Saturday, May 29, 2010

Catch Up

So I know I haven't updated in a few days so I'll catch everyone up in this post. On Monday we had orientation for the company. That went pretty well, nothing to write home about. Tuesday went to work and did a little bit of this and that. Wednesday night we had our employee banquet:) Free food! Scallops, steak, popovers, mac and cheese and veggies and homemade icecream which is made by by roommate who uses special recipe and process:) this makes the ice cream served here so AWESOME!!!!! People at our table were pretty interesting, one guy hates squirrels. Afterwards, Cathy and Eric , managers at AO led a full moon hike. Patrick, Nikki, and I were all gung ho and thought lots of people were going...turns out it was just us and Champ. I guess I should take a sec to talk about the friends I'm making here. Patrick and NIkki are sooo nice. They are a youngmarried couple from Texas. Nikki comes from a super small town in Texas so she totally understands what its like being from a small town. She also got her name from a John Cusack movie. Patrick her husband is the resident ice cream and gelato maker. The gelato he makes is awesome:) He likes Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, Willow and Legend-enough said. Champ is from Michigan and his real name is Champion, named after a baseball player. He played ball in college. Interesting side note-he says EH just like the Canadians.
Soooo back to my story, so we went for the full moon hike around Jordan Pond and up to south bubble and balance rock. You should look it up on internet and you can see our destination. anyway the hike was wow!! At night on all of those rocks. It was scary and challenging and pretty great all at the same time. HIking down the trail from SOuth Bubble was the scariest because the path we took was pretty vertical and the rocks didnt make for easy hiking in the dark. ok so thursday was a work day-nothing much to write about. Friday, my day off!! Woke up early and met my coworkers at Two Cats (local b&B) for breakfast. Company gives each store money for a meal once a month. it was soooooooo good. Then it was off to BAN-GOR. I stress this for my friends, those mentioned above, give me crap for pronouncing it Ban-ger.Its ok though becasue really coming from 2 texans and one almost canadian that says EH , Ill keep saying "banger" . Anyway, got some sunglasses that Champ deemed too big, and Legend which we all watched later on with friends Heidi and Ashley. Came back from Bangor just in time to meet casey, Nikki, and Ashley for walk over to Bar Island. When the tide is low you can walk over to Bar Island and hike up to the summit. The Lupines are in early bloom so we decided to take a hike. When we came back we had ice cream and invited everyone to come eat whoopies, drink sweet tea and watch legend. Which we did :) Today has been my second day off and very laid back. I slept late -until 8! Cleaned my room, did laundry, went to Ellsworth and picked up some pics and some material to make a curtain. I watched my netflix -Glee disc 3and have been catching up my blog. I want so badly to go outside for a walk but the tourists are out in droves and I'm sure the shore path is totally crowded:( Mayb eill take a walk on west instead. Anyway call me, messgae me, comment or just read the blog. Ilove you !!!!
love, l


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